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Quality control of AI generated text

We can ”clean up” your existing texts for you by means of a thorough review including proofreading, re-editing and even validation of AI generated texts.

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Optimise your text with professional proofreading
  • Effective communication: Correct language and grammar are needed to communicate effectively. By reviewing and correcting the text, you ensure that your message gets across.
  • Professionalism: A well-written and grammatically correct material gives the impression of professionalism and thoroughness.
  • Comprehension and interpretation: Correct grammar and syntax help readers understand and interpret the text correctly. By eliminating grammatical errors and ambiguities, the risk of misunderstandings is reduced. This is especially important when it comes to, for example, technical documents and legal documents where accuracy is of the utmost importance.
  • Credibility: A document that is spelled correctly and without grammatical errors means that the author of the text is perceived as credible. Readers tend to trust information more that is presented in a professional and accurate manner.
  • Follows linguistic norms: A language reviewer ensures that the text follows the established linguistic norms and rules. It can include the correct use of words, phrases and grammatical structures adapted to the intended audience.
  • Improves readability: A careful language review improves readability. It is about identifying and correcting long or complicated sentences, incorrect word choices and other factors that can make the text difficult to understand. Rewording and restructuring can do wonders for a text.


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AI translations - To be, or not two bees - that is the Question

While machine translation might offer quick results, it simply cannot match the precision required for demanding documents and texts.

Furthermore, an expert linguist possesses the critical ability to discern when and where machine translation may have faltered or produced inaccuracies. They can effectively address these issues, making necessary adjustments and enhancements to improve overall readability and comprehension.

Ultimately, the collaboration between AI-powered machine translation systems and expert linguists represents a synergy between technology and human expertise, ensuring that language barriers are effectively bridged while maintaining the integrity and authenticity of communication across diverse linguistic landscapes.

By partnering with Stratcore, you gain access to professional localization experts dedicated to delivering high-quality, culturally appropriate translations that help your business succeed on a global scale.


Please get in touch!

Get in touch with us today to find out more how we can help you with all your language needs.


    Frequently asked questions

    What are the risks of using AI large language modules (LLMs)?

    You might think that AI, with its enormous capacity to process large amounts of information at lightening speed, would easily be able to create texts and translations that are far better than that of a professional translator, thereby saving you both time and money.

    Sure, it is possible to produce fast translations using AI, which are largely accurate. But far from everything. A major drawback of AI is its tendency to ”hallucinate”, whereby it makes things up if the amount of information is too extensive or difficult to understand.

    A translation should not just be accurate either; there are many other things that are also important, such as tonality and style. The limitations of AI translation become apparent when the text becomes rigid and clunky, unnecessarily complicated and lacks fluency in language. Words appear that do not fit into the context and the language often feels impersonal and ”poor”. A professional translator’s expertise will then be required to save the text. However, this is considerably more time-consuming than you might think, to correct and improve AI-generated translations.

    We therefore for certain types of critical texts within certain industries we recommend our clients use a professional translator from the very start.

    Guide for ordering

    Prepare your assignment for the best and quickest results

    Stratcore looks at translating as a partnership between us and the client.

    Long-term partnerships:
    Even people who are expert in a certain language and a certain field cannot know everything. Our linguists have certain specialist areas, but they cannot be expected to know which terms and expressions a particular company prefers to use. The translator and client can sometimes need a “running-in period” to understand each other completely. Please therefore view a couple of initial jobs as an investment in an excellent future partnership.

    What is the text going to be used for?
    Internal/external consumption, sales brochures, agreements for information purposes, etc

    A great deal of time, effort and discussion has gone into the texts you submit for translation. The translator will have been totally outside this loop. Why not give the translator the time and opportunity to get to know you and your company.

    Who is your target group?
    Engineers, consumers, specialists?

    Subject area and number of words?
    Information about the subject area and degree of technical difficulty enables us to determine the right person for the job. If possible, forward a few typical pages for assessment.

    Is the translation to be delivered as a text file only, or does the commission include layout and typesetting too? Is the text to be prepared for subsequent printing?

    A clear script:
    Please provide us with an approved and clear script, preferably in electronic format.

    Delivery deadlines:
    How long can you give us? Where and how is the text to be delivered and in which format? As a Word file or in other format?

    Allow us enough time:
    Please give us as much time as possible for the job. Expressions and formulations benefit from the “overnight test”. Very urgent deadlines can impair quality.

    Reference material:

    Providing the translator with as much reference material as possible makes their job much easier, e.g. descriptions of similar products, internal glossaries and general information about your organisation (website, annual report, brochures, etc). Good reference material ensures the translator and proofreader will use the most appropriate terminology as used by your company or industry.

    Contact person:
    A contact person with specialist knowledge in the area in question can be of great help to our team.

    Local adaptation:
    Explain to us about local conditions and whether the text should be adapted accordingly.

    By all means ask your office or representative on the local market in question for their opinion on the final draft. Any changes can then be made in consultation with us and our translators.